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BIO 101. General Biology
BIO 150. Nutrition
CANL 212 SP. Introducción al matrimonio en el derecho canónico
CANL 512. Valid or Invalid? Introduction to Marriage in Canon Law
CANL 520. Governance Structures in the Church and Canon Law of Temporal Goods
CHIST 214. Church History I: Early Christians to Middle Ages
CHIST 224 SP. Historia de la Iglesia II: Renacimiento a la Iglesia Moderna
CHIST 224. Church History II: Renaissance to Modern Church
CHIST 244. History of the Catholic Church in America
CHIST 514. Church History I: Early Christians to the Middle Ages
CHIST 524. Church History II: Renaissance to Modern Church
CHIST 544. History of the Catholic Church in America
COMM 550. Transparency and the Spirit of the Enterprise
COMM 610. Communication Strategies in the Digital Age
COMM 620. Crisis Management and Accountability to the Faithful
COMP 699. Comprehensive Exam
COSCI 101 SP. Introducción a Computación
COSCI 101. Computer Essentials
CST 101 SP. Introducción a la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia
CST 190 SP. Gestión y Liderazgo en el Ministerio Parroquial
CST 200 SP. Ver, Juzgar y Actuar; Doctrina Social de la Iglesia en Práctica
CST 290 SP. Práctica de Aprendizaje y Servicio
CST 500 SP. Fundamentos del Pensamiento Social Católico
CST 500. Foundations of Catholic Social Thought
CST 510 SP. Doctrina Social de la Iglesia 1891-1965
CST 510. Social Doctrine of the Church, 1891-1965
CST 520 SP. Doctrina Social de la Iglesia: Juan Pablo II, Benedicto XVI y Francisco
CST 520. Catholic Social Teaching: John Paul II Benedict XVI, and Francis
CST 600. Ethics and the Social Teaching of the Church on Management
CST 630. Respect for Life, Sex, Marriage, and Parenting: An Integrated Catholic Approach
EDU 510. Foundations of Western Education
EDU 520. Newman and the Liberal Arts Tradition
EDU 550. The Story of American Catholic Education
EDU 610. Accommodation, Differentiation, and Exceptional Learners in the Liberal Arts Classroom
EDU 620. Virtue in the Classroom
EDU 630. Classical Pedagogy
EDU 640. Trivium and the Catholic Imagination
EDU 650. Quadrivium and Seeing the Whole
EDU 670. Organizational Leadership for Catholic Schools
EDU 680. Education and Building Catholic Culture
EDU 690. Practicum/Capstone
ENG 105 SP. Idioma Inglés
ENG 105. Introduction to Composition
ENG 111. Introduction to Literature
ENG 310. Literary Apologetics for Theology
ENG 501. Catholic Literary Tradition
FAAM 560. Ecclesial Accounting and Asset Maintenance
FAAM 570. Ecclesial Finance
GREEK 101. Biblical Greek I
GREEK 201. Biblical Greek II
GREEK 301. Advanced Biblical Greek
HIST 201 SP. Civilización Antigua
HIST 201. Ancient Civilization
HIST 211. Christian Civilization
HIST 221 SP. Civilización Global
HIST 221. A Global Civilization
HUM 228. Introduction to Comparative Religions: Judaism and Islam
HUM 260. Theology of Sacred Architecture
LATIN 101. Latin I
LATIN 201. Latin II
LIB 501. Christian Anthropology
MATH 105. General Mathematics for Liberal Studies
MTRA 550. Transparency and the Spirit of the Enterprise
PHIL 205. Introduction to Philosophy with Plato and Aristotle
PHIL 235 SP Elementos de la Filosofía de la Persona Humana
PHIL 235 SP. Elementos de la Filosofía de la Persona Humana
PHIL 235. Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Person
PHIL 250. Introduction to Catholic Health Care Ethics
PHIL 260. Catholic Bioethics I
PHIL 311. Ethics
PHIL 315. Metaphysics
PHIL 320. Modern Philosophy
PHIL 330. Contemporary Philosophy
PHIL 340. See for Yourself: An Introduction to Epistemology
PHIL 370. The Nature of Nature: An Introduction to a Catholic Philosophy of Science
PHIL 421. The Thought of Thomas Aquinas
PHIL 508 SP. Filosofía para la Teología
PHIL 508. Philosophy for Theology
PHIL 512. Foundations of Catholic Social Thought
PHIL 621. The Thought of St. Thomas Aquinas
PMAS 530. Personnel Management and Administration
PMAS 540. Strategic and Operational Leadership
PMAS 580. Stewardship: Fundraising and Capital Campaigns
PRACT 697. Practicum
RELED 433. The Art of Catechesis: Dynamic Renewal
RELED 560. Principles of Catholic Education
SCRPT 103. Survey of the Old Testament
SCRPT 106 SP. Estudio del Nuevo Testamento
SCRPT 106. Survey of the New Testament
SCRPT 210. Reading Scripture Theologically
SCRPT 210. Reading Scripture Theologically
SCRPT 230. Introduction to Scripture and Salvation History
SCRPT 370. The Letter to the Romans
SCRPT 381. The Gospel of St. John
SCRPT 520. Pentateuch
SCRPT 530 SP. Introducción a la Escritura e Historia de la Salvación
SCRPT 530. Introduction to Scripture and Salvation History
SCRPT 570. The Letter to the Romans
SCRPT 581. The Gospel of St. John
SCRPT 615.History of Biblical Interpretation
SCRPT 616. History of Scripture Interpretation, Part 1
SCRPT 617. History of Scripture Interpretation, Part 2
SCRPT 640. Isaiah and the Prophets
SCRPT 662. The Synoptic Gospels
SPAN 101. Introduction to Spanish Language and Culture
SPAN 110 SP. Gramática Española
SPAN 201. Conversational Spanish II
SPIR 301. Applied Catholic Spirituality
SPIR 501. Applied Catholic Spirituality
THEO 101 SP. Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica
THEO 101. Catechism of the Catholic Church, Part I
THEO 102 SP. Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica
THEO 102. Catechism of the Catholic Church, Part II
THEO 103 SP. La Vida Moral; Viviendo las Virtudes
THEO 103. The Moral Life: Living the Virtues
THEO 104 SP. María y Piedad
THEO 204. Foundations of Catholicism
THEO 213. God, Man and the Universe
THEO 232. Jesus Christ: God, Man and Savior
THEO 253. Sacraments: Masterworks of God
THEO 268. Principles of Moral Theology
THEO 270. Introduction to Catholic Health Care Ethics
THEO 280. Catholic Bioethics I
THEO 290. Theology of Sacred Architecture
THEO 343. Vatican II: The Church and Her Liturgy
THEO 390. Literary Apologetics for Theology
THEO 419. The Thought of Thomas Aquinas
THEO 498. Holy Land: The Fifth Gospel
THEO 499. Italy: Crossroads of Christendom
THEO 503 SP. La Tradición Teológica Católica
THEO 503. The Catholic Theological Tradition
THEO 504 SP. María y Piedad
THEO 510 SP. Revelación y Fe; Teología Fundamental
THEO 510. Revelation and Faith: Fundamental Theology
THEO 541 SP. Teología de la Iglesia
THEO 541. Theology of Church
THEO 552 SP. Sacramentos y Liturgia
THEO 552. Sacraments and Liturgy
THEO 560 SP. Teología Moral Fundamental
THEO 560. Fundamental Moral Theology
THEO 590. Theology of Sacred Architecture
THEO 598. Holy Land: The Fifth Gospel
THEO 599. Italy: Crossroads of Christendom
THEO 617. Father Spitzer’s Evidence for God
THEO 619. The Thought of Thomas Aquinas
THEO 632. Christology
THEO 632. SP. Cristología
THEO 640. Presenting the Faith in the Modern World: Dealing with Hard Questions
THEO 682. Forming a Catholic World View: Catholic Social Teachings
THEO 697. Practicum
THEO 698. Thesis Direction
Aaron Urbanczyk, PhD
Alan F. Holmer
Alex E. Lessard, PhD
Alissa Thorell, MTS
Allison Spatacco, MBA
Amy B. Smith
Amy Shouse
Ana Machado, PhD, STD
Ann Brodeur, PhD
Antonio Porras Mirón
Brandon Harvey, DA
Brian Engelland, DBA
Brian Maher
Carole Brown, PhD
Charles H. Rieper, PhD
Christina Hip-Flores, MPP, JCD, JD,
Christine Wood, PhD
Christopher Padgett, STL
Claire Thérèse Heyne, STL
Cynthia Stalcup, MATHEM
Dan Soares
Daniel Koenemann, PhD
Daniel M. Garland, PhD
David Bonagura, MA
Dcn. Chris Gutierrez, MA
Dcn. James Pearce, PhD (cand.)
Dr. E. Tyler Graham
Dr. Mark Amelang, MBA, EdD
Dr. Nicholas D. Emmel
Edgar Omar Segura Esparragoza, MS, PhD
Edward Short
Elizabeth Shaw, PhD
Erik Bootsma, MA
Erin Meikle, PhD
Fausto Franco, MEng, MA
Felipe de Jesús Legarreta Castillo, PhD
Fr. John Worgul, PhD
Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJ, PhD
Fr. Stephen Hill
Francesca Mirti, DA
Francisco José Anaya Rodríguez, MA
Franz Hartl, JD
Harry Wilkins
Helen Alvaré, JD
Hugh Dempsey, EdD
Irene Yung Park, PhD, STD
James C. Kruggel, PhD
Jared Ortiz, PhD
Jean C. Halle
Jem Sullivan, PhD
Jennifer Basinger
Joan Crawford
Joe Zalot, PhD
John Francis McCabe
Joseph Atkinson, STD
Joseph Birkofer
Joshua Hood, PhD
Juan Carlos Inostroza, ThD
Juan José Trujillo
Kelly S. McGinn
Lois Owen
Luanne D. Zurlo, MBA
Luis Alejandro Ríos García, PhD
Marcellino D’Ambrosio, PhD
Margaret Melady, S.Sc.D
Margaret Stark-Schuhriemen, MA
Maria Sophia Aguirre, PhD
Marianne Evans Mount, PhD
Mario Enzler
Marlon de la Torre, PhD
Mary Pat Donoghue
Matthew Bunson, DMin, PhD
Matthew Shank
Michael J. Pencina, PhD
Mimi Chan
Mónica Fuster Cancio, STD
Msgr. Robert W. Oliver
Patty Mazariegos, MA
Paul Schott Stevens
Peter Casarella, PhD
Peter Shaffo, MA
R. Jared Staudt
Rev. Avelino Gonzalez-Ferrer, STL, STD
Rev. Bevil Bramwell, OMI, STL, PhD
Rev. Frederick Bartels, MA
Rev. John Simon McNerney, PhD
Rev. Joseph Mary Rogers
Richard R. Westerman, Sr.
RJ Amador, MA
Robert J. Smith
Robert Royal, PhD
Rosario Gutiérrez Jiménez, MEd
Scott M. Hamberger
Shannon Griffin
Sister Mary Brendon Zajac
Sister Mary Margaret Ann Schlather, SND, MA
Stephanie Garrett, MSIS
Stephen D. Pryor
Steve Schultz
Steven Bozza, MA
Steven Najera, MA
Suzanne Robinson, MA
Tamra Fromm, PhD
The Most Rev. Michael F. Burbidge, Ed.D, PhD
The Most Rev. Timothy Broglio, JCD
The Most Reverend Mark E. Brennan
Tom Reidy
Very Reverend Jamie Workman
William Becerra, DMin
William Hutson, PhD
William Neu, PhD
Zachary Willcutt
The Catholic International Mission
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