Catholic International University

Alex E. Lessard, PhD

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Alex E. Lessard, PhD


About Alex E. Lessard, PhD

Alex E. Lessard, educator, editor, and founder, holds a doctorate from Boston College. An Educator for over three decades serving at various levels, he currently directs intellectual formation for the Santiago Trade School, teaches in the Institute for Catholic School Leadership at Saint Paul Seminary, and is a member of the founding faculty (theology) at Rosary College. Lessard is a co-founder of St. Monica Academy, an independent Catholic school in Montrose, CA, and supports the renewal of Catholic Liberal Education and Culture through his nonprofit Adeodatus and its lifelong learning academy. He is the General Co-editor of The Adeodatus Series on Catholic Education & Culture for Catholic Education Press-CUA Press. He serves on multiple boards and councils, including the Wyoming Catholic College Presidential Advisory Council and the Thomas Aquinas College Board of Regents.
Lessard is the Executive Co-Director of The Cornerstone Forum, bringing René Girard & anthropological contribution into dialogue with the Catholic theological tradition – especially Thomistic and ressourcement theology. He is also involved in various Catholic organizations, including the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars, Gaudent Angeli, Knights of Columbus, and the Newman Club of Los Angeles (1899).

BA (Theology) University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN Ph.D. (Systematic & Historical Theology) Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA Area of Teaching Specialization: History and Philosophy of Catholic Liberal Education, Catholic Studies, Scripture, Theology.

Course Level: Graduate

Course(s)Taught: EDU 510 – Foundations of Western Education

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