Catholic International University

Deacon Frederick Bartels, MA

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Deacon Fred Bartels

Deacon Frederick Bartels, MA


About Deacon Frederick Bartels, MA


Deacon Frederick Bartels received a Catechetical Diploma, BA in Theology, and MA in Theology and Educational Ministry from Catholic Distance University.

Having received the sacrament of Holy Orders in August of 2013, Deacon Bartels currently serves the Diocese of Pueblo as Parochial Deacon assigned to St. Joseph Church in Grand Junction, CO, where he was employed as Director of Religious Education and Director of Liturgy from 2013 to 2016. He has served the Church as a Catholic educator in preparing students for the sacrament of confirmation, catechumens and candidates through the RCIA process to enter full communion with the Church, and facilitating adult faith formation sessions for the past eleven years. In 2013 and 2014, he presented at Catechetical Enrichment Day for the Diocese of Pueblo in forming and certifying catechists. He regularly participates in the New Evangelization through the use of digital media as a contributing writer for various online publications.

Deacon Bartels currently resides in Glade Park, CO, a small rural community a few miles outside of the city of Grand Junction, where he lives with his wife, Shelly, and his two youngest of six children.

Catechetical Diploma, Catholic Distance University, Charles Town, WV
BA (Theology) Catholic Distance University, Charles Town, WV
MA (Theology and Educational Ministry), Catholic Distance University, Charles Town, WV

Area of Teaching Specialization: Theology, Catechetics

Course Level: Undergraduate

Courses Taught: THEO 102 The Catechism of the Catholic Church, Part II; THEO 103 The Moral Life: Living the Virtues

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