Catholic International University

Margaret Stark, MA

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Margaret Stark, MA

Margaret Stark, MA


About Margaret Stark, MA


Margaret Stark is a Ph.D. candidate at The Catholic University of America. While finishing her Ph.D. she teaches Ancient and Modern Philosophy at the Catholic University of America.

Working under Msgr. Robert Sokolowski, Margaret Stark wrote her Master’s thesis on Edmund Husserl’s concept of Intellectual Habitus. She has also presented several times on Phenomenology, especially on its connections to Aristotelian and Thomistic philosophy and its contributions to the philosophy of nature.

Previously, she worked as the Book Review Editor for the Review of Metaphysics, and is currently the Book Review Editor for North America for the New Yearbook on Phenomenology. She also served as co-director of the 2022 Husserl Circle.

Area of Teaching Specialization: Philosophy, Phenomenology, Aristotle

Course Level: Undergraduate

Courses Taught: PHIL 370 The Nature of Nature: An Introduction to a Catholic Philosophy; PHIL 340 See for Yourself: an Introduction to Epistemology


  • BA (Philosophy with a concentration in Philosophy of Science) University of Dallas, Dallas, TX
  • MA (Philosophy) The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.
  • PhD (Philosophy) The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. (In progress)


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