Catholic International University

Christine Wood, PhD

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Christine Wood, PhD

Christine Wood, PhD


About Christine Wood, PhD


Christine E. Wood received her PhD in theology from Marquette University, Milwaukee, and her MA in theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville. Prior to that Dr. Wood studied the philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas in Australia for a decade before focusing on theology. Since completing her doctorate, Christine has lectured in systematic and biblical theology, and ethics, at John Paul the Great Catholic University in San Diego, and founded the Verbum Domini Biblical & Catechetical Institute at the Archdiocese of Hobart, Australia. Her teaching focus has mainly been in Grace & Nature, Christology, Fundamental Theology, Ecclesiology, Catholic Social Teaching, Moral Theology, and Scripture. Christine has been an instructor at CDU since 2014. Her research interests range from the intersection of faith and reason, nature and grace, the theology of revelation, the interrelation of Christology and Ecclesiology, and the liturgical actualization of the salvific events of the mystery of Jesus Christ. Dr. Wood’s doctoral dissertation is entitled, “The Metaphysics and Intellective Psychology in the Natural Desire for Seeing God: Henri de Lubac and Neo-Scholasticism.” She is the Executive Chair of the Christian Initiation Australia Network, a national communication and support network for Australians who share the vision of RCIA. Christine has been active in evangelisation and catechesis for 20 years, including mission trips to Belize and Jamaica. She hails from Australia where she is the President of the St. John Centre for Biblical Studies.

Area of Teaching Specialization: Theology

Course Level: Undergraduate and Graduate

Courses Taught: PHIL 508 Philosophy for Theology; SCRPT 210 Reading Scripture Theologically; SCRPT 381-581 The Gospel of St John; SCRPT 640 Isaiah and the Prophets; THEO 313 God, Man and the Universe; THEO 333 Jesus Christ: God, Man and Savior; THEO 342 The Four Constitutions of Vatican II; THEO 418-618 Introduction to St Thomas Aquinas; THEO 503 The Catholic Theological Tradition ; THEO 510 Fundamental Theology: Revelation and Faith; THEO 631 Introduction to Christology

Published Works:

“The marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready”: The Primary Nuptial Exemplar, Christopher Dawson Centre for Cultural Studies (Hobart), Colloquium on ‘The nature of men and women: complementary but different’ (2016), proceedings, 2017.

“Anamnesis and Allegory in Ambrose’s De Sacramentis and De Mysteriis.” Letter & Spirit Vol. 7 (2012): 51-66.


  • BS (Agriculture) University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
  • MA (Theology) Franciscan University of Steubenville, Steubenville, OH
  • PhD (Theology) Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
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