Catholic International University

Bachelor of Arts

In Liberal Arts

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Bachelor of Arts

In Liberal Arts

The Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts allows students to explore integrated disciplines through the Catholic Intellectual Tradition while concentrating or minoring in an area of interest. This curriculum fosters a love for learning and the pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty, preparing students for graduate programs or careers. Rooted in the Catholic liberal arts tradition, it emphasizes the dignity of the human person as made in God’s image, destined for relationship and freedom. Students gain an integrated vision of reality by studying the true, good, and beautiful through the arts and sciences, grounded in the unity of truth and knowledge. With theology, philosophy, and dialogue between faith and reason, the program inspires wisdom, virtue, and greatness of thought and action through Scripture, Tradition, and Catholic teachings.

Fast-Track to a Masters

while in undergrad

Our Accelerated MA Pathway enables motivated students to begin their graduate coursework while completing their undergraduate studies, providing a seamless transition to advanced education while saving time and money.

We are committed to making rigorous Education from the Heart of the Church accessible, equipping students with the knowledge and credentials they need to be well formed leaders. 

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Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts (120 Credits)

Course Number
Course Title
LIBERAL ARTS (3 credits)
LIB 200
Principles of Liberal Learning
3 credit hours
MATHEMATICS (3 credits)
MATH 105
General Mathematics for Liberal Arts
3 credit hours
BIO 101
General Biology
3 credit hours
SOCIAL SCIENCES (3 credits) | Choose One
ANTH 101
Introduction to Anthropology
3 credit hours
ECN 101
3 credit hours
SOC 101
Introduction to Sociology
3 credit hours
GEO 101
Introduction to Geography
3 credit hours
ENG 105
Introduction to Composition
3 credit hours
HISTORY (3 credits)
HIST 211
Christian Civilization
3 credit hours
PHILOSOPHY (12 credits)
PHIL 205
Introduction to Philosophy with Plato and Aristotle
3 credit hours
PHIL 235
Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Person
3 credit hours
PHIL 311
3 credit hours
PHIL 315
3 credit hours
THEOLOGY (12 credits)
Survey of the Old Testament
3 credit hours
Survey of the New Testament
3 credit hours
THEO 204
Foundations of Catholicism
3 credit hours
THEO 213
God, Man and the Universe
3 credit hours
Course Number
Course Title
LIBERAL ARTS (3 credits)
LIB 400
Liberal Arts and Seeing the Whole
3 credit hours
FOREIGN LANGUAGE (6 credits) | Choose Two | Must be the same language
LAT 201 & 202
Intermediate Latin I & II
6 credit hours
GRK 201 & 202
Intermediate Greek I & II
6 credit hours
SPA 201 & 202
Intermediate Spanish I & II
6 credit hours
MATHEMATICS (6 credits)
MAT 115
Probability and Statistics
3 credit hours
MAT 120
Analytical Geometry and Calculus I
3 credit hours
BIO 150
3 credit hours
BIO 201
Human Biology
3 credit hours
PHYS 101
Introduction to Physics
3 credit hours
SOCIAL SCIENCES (6 credits) | Choose Two
ANTH 101
Introduction to Anthropology
3 credit hours
ECN 101
Introduction to Macroeconomics
3 credit hours
ECN 201
Introduction to Microeconomics
3 credit hours
SOC 101
Introduction to Sociology
3 credit hours
GEO 101
Introduction to Geography
3 credit hours
Computer Essentials
3 credit hours
Programming Languages
3 credit hours
HISTORY (6 credits)
HIS 201
Ancient Civilization
3 credit hours
HIS 221
World Civilization
3 credit hours
FINE ARTS (6 credits)
MUS 150
Sacred and Secular Music
3 credit hours
ART 101
Sacred and Secular Art Appreciation
3 credit hours
ENG 111
Introduction to Literature
3 credit hours
ENG 310
Literature and the Sacramental Imagination
3 credit hours
PHILOSOPHY (3 credits)
PHIL 240
3 credit hours
THEOLOGY (3 credits)
Choose One
Any theology course 300-level or higher
3 credit hours
Open Electives (21 credits)
Electives can be applied toward earning the following minors:
Philosophy, Business, Education, History or Sacred Scripture
21 credit hours

*Students who have already studied Catechism I and II at the AA Level are exempt from taking THEO 204. These students are required to take three additional elective credits. Theology Electives – 15 credits

To earn the Minor in Philosophy students must complete six of the following undergraduate courses (18 credits) at Catholic International.

Course Number
Course Title
PHIL 250/THEO 270
Introduction to Catholic Health Care Ethics
3 credit hours
PHIL 260/THEO 280
Catholic Bioethics I
3 credit hours
PHIL 320
Modern Philosophy (new in fall 2024)
3 credit hours
PHIL 330
Contemporary Philosophy (new in fall 2024)
3 credit hours
PHIL 340
See for Yourself: An Introduction to Epistemology
3 credit hours
PHIL 370
The Nature of Nature: An Introduction to a Catholic Philosophy of Science
3 credit hours
PHIL 421/THEO 419
Thought of Thomas of Aquinas
3 credit hours

A maximum of 3 transfer credits may be applied toward the minor, upon review and approval by Academic Leadership.

To earn the Minor in Business, students must complete six of the following undergraduate courses (18 credits) at Catholic International.

Course Number
Course Title
Coming Soon
Principles of Management
3 credit hours
Coming Soon
Principles of Marketing
3 credit hours
Coming Soon
Introduction to Accounting
3 credit hours
Coming Soon
Introduction to Finance
3 credit hours
Coming Soon
3 credit hours
Coming Soon
Business Law
3 credit hours

A maximum of 3 transfer credits may be applied toward the minor, upon review and approval by Academic Leadership.

To earn the Minor in Education, students must complete five of the following undergraduate courses (15 credits) at Catholic International. Students wishing to add a minor in Education must have a 3.0 GPA in order to register for the following courses in their junior and senior years.

Course Number
Course Title
LIB 401
Christian Anthropology
3 credit hours
EDU 410
Foundations of Western Education
3 credit hours
EDU 420
Newman and the Liberal Arts Tradition
3 credit hours
Principles of Catholic Education
3 credit hours
One Education Elective
3 credit hours

A maximum of 3 transfer credits may be applied toward the minor, upon review and approval by Academic Leadership.

To earn the Minor in History, students must complete all six undergraduate courses (18 credits) in History and Church History at Catholic International.

Course Number
Course Title
Church History I: Early Christians to Middle Ages
3 credit hours
Church History II: Renaissance to Modern Church
3 credit hours
History of the Catholic Church in America
3 credit hours
HIST 201
Ancient Civilization
3 credit hours
HIST 211
Christian Civilization
3 credit hours
HIST 221
A Global Civilization
3 credit hours

A maximum of 3 transfer credits may be applied toward the minor, upon review and approval by Academic Leadership.

To earn the Minor in Sacred Scripture, students must complete six of the following undergraduate courses (21 credits) at Catholic International.

Course Number
Course Title
Survey of the Old Testament
3 credit hours
Survey of the New Testament
3 credit hours
Reading Scripture Theologically
3 credit hours
The Letter to the Romans
3 credit hours
The Gospel of St. John
3 credit hours
Biblical Greek I
3 credit hours
Biblical Greek II
3 credit hours

A maximum of 3 transfer credits may be applied toward the minor, upon review and approval by Academic Leadership.

Global Catholic


Catholic International University Provides:

  • Genuine Catholic education
  • Flexible study options tailored to your schedule
  • The most affordable undergraduate tuition among U.S.-based online universities for Catholic theology
  • A worldwide Catholic community
  • Expert and approachable faculty
  • Interactive online courses with discussion boards
  • Mobile app for convenient studying
  • Online library managed by a theological librarian
  • Round-the-clock technical support


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