Catholic International University

Masters In Theology

and Educational Ministry

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Masters in

In Theology and Educational Ministry

This program is tailored to meet the needs of Directors of Religious Education (DREs), secondary school teachers, and catechists, enabling them to apply Catholic theological principles to explore God’s relationship with creation, authentic happiness, and the human community. Participants will deepen their understanding of how the New Testament fulfills the Old Testament, focusing on Jesus Christ, the Church as the People of God, and its sacramental life. They will faithfully and effectively teach Catholic doctrine, spirituality, and morals, while ministering in diverse contexts. Additionally, they will synthesize the Catholic Church’s understanding of Sacred Scripture, Tradition, and the Magisterium to address historical and contemporary challenges.

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Tuition and


MA in Theology and Educational Ministry
(36 Credits)

Course Number
Course Title
*CST 500/PHIL 512
Foundations of Catholic Social Teaching
3 credit hours
*CST 510
Social Doctrine of the Church, 1891-1965
3 credit hours
*CST 520
Catholic Social Teaching: John Paul II Benedict XVI, and Francis
3 credit hours
THEO 503
The Catholic Theological Tradition
3 credit hours
THEO 510
Revelation and Faith: Fundamental Theology
3 credit hours
THEO 541
Theology of Church
3 credit hours
THEO 552
Sacraments and Liturgy
3 credit hours
THEO 560
Fundamental Moral Theology
3 credit hours
THEO 632
3 credit hours
THEO 640
Presenting the Faith in the Modern World: Dealing with the Hard Questions
3 credit hours
*THEO 682
Forming a Catholic World View: Catholic Social Teachings
3 credit hours
Principles of Catholic Education
3 credit hours
Introduction to Scripture and Salvation History
3 credit hours
SPIR 501
Applied Catholic Spirituality
3 credit hours
Students must, in consultation with the program advisor, choose one additional elective course that relates to their teaching interest
3 credit hours
3 credit hours

Global Catholic


Catholic International University Provides:

  • Genuine Catholic education
  • Flexible study options tailored to your schedule
  • The most affordable undergraduate tuition among U.S.-based online universities for Catholic theology
  • A worldwide Catholic community
  • Expert and approachable faculty
  • Interactive online courses with discussion boards
  • Mobile app for convenient studying
  • Online library managed by a theological librarian
  • Round-the-clock technical support


At Catholic International

An education in Theology can truly awaken and inform you as a human person of God. And by including Catholic Social Teaching in your educational program, Catholic International University provides you with the tools to transform society while respecting the way God created our world and making use of the freedom He has given us.

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