THEO 503: The Catholic Theological Tradition
THEO 503: The Catholic Theological Tradition, the first course taken in the graduate degree and certificate programs, will be offered this summer. Perfect for students new to the study of theology, the course is taught by Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio, a world-renowned commentator on Catholic issues who is known for his ability to make profound subjects understandable and relevant to everyday life. Explore the history of Christian theology from the perspective of faith seeking deeper understanding and trace its development from the end of the New Testament times to the Second Vatican Council. Critical moments in the history of theology and key issues debated in each epoch will be discussed, and students will be introduced to some of history’s most notable theologians and their varied ways of thinking about the things of God.
Dr. D’Ambrosio, also known as “Dr. Italy,” is a New York Times list best-selling author who frequently appears on a variety of TV and radio shows, including the “O’Reilly Factor” and “Geraldo Rivera at Large.”
If you have questions about the application or enrollment process, contact Admissions at or 1-888-254-4CDU ext. 700.
THEO 313. God, Man and the Universe
Offered in the Summer II Term, this 8-week course introduces the key ideas of Fundamental Theology. Join prolific author and speaker Christopher Padgett for an exploration of the fundamental teachings of the Catholic Church as contained in the First Article of the Apostles’ Creed — God the Creator, original sin, and the fall of man. Topics to be covered through a theological lens include Revelation, the relationship between Scripture and Tradition, the theory of the development of doctrine, the Trinity, Divine Providence, the Angels, Satan, forms of atheism, the origin and fall of man, and the dignity of the human person. What sets Catholic thought apart from other worldviews?
Enroll today to find out! Course begins on June 4th.
THEO 440 and 640. Presenting the Faith in the Modern World: Dealing with the Hard Questions
“In a society increasingly marked by secularism and threatened by atheism, we run the risk of living as if God did not exist.”–Pope Francis
Offered to both undergraduate and graduate students, Presenting the Faith in the Modern World: Dealing with the Hard Questions introduces students to the application of Catholic teaching to real life situations in contemporary Western society. Students will engage with both contemporary secular and religious views at odds with Catholicism and learn to dialogue pastorally and constructively with those who hold contrary viewpoints. The course is taught by Professor Christopher Padgett, a lay evangelist, teacher, prolific author, and musician who travels the world giving missions and concerts. He is a frequent guest on EWTN and has been heard on prominent Catholic radio stations and highlighted in several Catholic magazines.
HUM 253. A Global Civilization
A Global Civilization, taught by esteemed faculty member Dr. Charles Rieper, is the third of three undergraduate survey courses covering the totality of Western history. The course traces the development of Western Civilization from the Enlightenment to the era of the war on terror and globalization in the 21st century. Dr. Rieper will guide students thought significant periods of western history including the emergence of the Enlightenment and Age of Absolutism, the French Revolution, the birth of the United States, the Industrial Revolution, the Great Depression and World Wars, the Cold War, and the modern era, which has brought momentous change.