Catholic International University


Catechetical Coordinator Certificate

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Catechetical Coordinator Certificate

This program is designed for Church leaders, employees, and catechists who seek comprehensive certification in Catholic teachings and theology, along with practical skills to effectively teach these principles. Participants will articulate the fundamental doctrines of faith and morals of the Catholic Church, drawing from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Sacred Scripture, and Sacred Tradition. The program explores the Bible as a unified story, showing how the New Testament is anticipated by the Old and fulfilled in the New. It also delves into the nature, mission, and purpose of catechesis, with a particular focus on biblical catechesis, doctrinal lesson planning, and the methods and principles endorsed by the Church.

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Undergraduate Catechetical Coordinator Certificate

Course Number
Course Title
THEO 204
Foundations of Catholicism
3 credit hours
Introduction to Scripture and Salvation History
3 credit hours
THEO 232
Jesus Chris: God, Man, and Savior
3 credit hours
THEO 253
Sacraments: Masterworks of God
3 credit hours
THEO 268
Principles of Moral Theology
3 credit hours
The Art of Catechesis: Dynamic Renewal
3 credit hours

Global Catholic


Catholic International University Provides:

  • Genuine Catholic education
  • Flexible study options tailored to your schedule
  • The most affordable undergraduate tuition among U.S.-based online universities for Catholic theology
  • A worldwide Catholic community
  • Expert and approachable faculty
  • Interactive online courses with discussion boards
  • Mobile app for convenient studying
  • Online library managed by a theological librarian
  • Round-the-clock technical support


At Catholic International

An education in Theology can truly awaken and inform you as a human person of God. And by including Catholic Social Teaching in your educational program, Catholic International University provides you with the tools to transform society while respecting the way God created our world and making use of the freedom He has given us.

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