Fr. Bramwell, educator and author, holds a doctorate from Boston College. An educator for two decades serving at high school, undergraduate and graduate levels, he/she currently serves in the US Province of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate and at Catholic International University.
Fr. Bevil is the author of the books Laity: Beautiful, Good and True: Hans Urs von Balthasar’s Theology of the Laity; Theology of The Catholic Priesthood: A 360° View; A Handbook for Catholic Religious; The World of the Sacraments: The Catholic Theology of the Sacraments; Catholics read the Scriptures: Commentary on Benedict XVI’s Verbum Domini; John Paul II’s Ex Corde Ecclesiae; The Gift of Catholic Universities to the World. He writes for a variety of Catholic publications on faith and culture.
BA Theology, Gregorian University, Rome.
MA Theology, Weston School of Theology, now part of Boston College
Ph.D. Boston College, Boston.
Area of Teaching Specialization: Theology, Scripture
Course Level: Graduate and Undergraduate
Course(s) Taught: THEO 419-619/PHIL 421-621; The Thought of Thomas Aquinas, THEO 541 Theology of Church, COMP 699 – Comprehensive Exam, THEO 698 – Thesis