Catholic International University

Edward Short

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Edward Short

Vice-President of Institutional Advancement

About Edward Short

Edward Short has over 20 years of experience working to advance the
mission of vibrant Catholic apostolates. Since most of the apostolates have
had an educational component, he is well-suited to be in a position to
advance the mission of Catholic International University, whose
commitment to the rich Catholic tradition of faith and reason is at once
investment-worthy and replicable. In addition to his development work,
Mr. Short is the author of the highly acclaimed trilogy on St John Henry
Newman comprised of Newman and his Contemporaries, Newman and
his Family, and Newman and his Critics. Bishop James Massa, Rector of
Saint Joseph’s Seminary in New York hailed Mr. Short’s “scholarship on
Newman as a gift to the whole Church.” All of Mr. Short’s scholarly work
animates his development work. If relationship-building is of the essence
of successful development, there is no better way to build fruitful
relationships with Catholic donors keen on advancing authentic Catholic
education than by sharing with them the great work of Newman, whose
Idea of a University is the finest book ever written on education. That
Catholic International University also prizes the Church’s tradition of good
scholarship, whether in theology or the liberal arts, makes this vital
relationship-building all the richer. The lifelong benefits the University
gives its students by enabling them to become true apostles of the Church
have a perennial appeal to students and suppoters alike. As for his own
education, Edward Short received a genuinely classical education at Hunter
College in the City University of New York where he obtained his BA degree
cum laude in history and art history. He lives in New York with his wife
and two young children.

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