Catholic International University

Rev. Antonio Porras Mirón, STL, STD

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Rev. Antonio Porras Mirón, STL, STD


About Rev. Antonio Porras Mirón, STL, STD

Antonio Porras Mirón (Professor of the Core curriculum at Universidad del Istmo) Antonio, priest, professor and author, holds a doctorate in Moral Theology from the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome. Was ordained as Priest on May 21, 2005. Professor of Moral Theology at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross for 14 years, he currently teaches theology at the “Universidad del Istmo” in Guatemala. Antonio is the author of one book and has edited others. He published different articles on moral issues as Family, Ecology in different reviews. For four years collaborates with the Editorial Board of the review: “Annales theologici”. The last six years in Rome was the Academic Dean of the School of Theology at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. He has been invited to give courses in Kazajistan, Mexico, Venezuela, Jerusalem, Ecuador and Colombia. He also designed a mosaic of Our Lady of the Rosary installed at the Vatican gardens. Antonio serves currently at the headquarters of the Prelature of Opus Dei in Central America. He is in charge of the philosophical and theological studies of the members of Opus Dei in Central America, he also collaborates in the Religion program of many schools in Central America. Actually, with other experts are creating an Institute on Marriage and family issues in Guatemala, he also is promoting two think tanks, on Education and Anthropoly & Psicology. On Mondays he works as chaplain at the Universidad del Istmo and all the evenings he spent time hearing confessions and giving spiritual direction.

-MA (Architecture) Universidad Francisco Marroquín, Guatemala
-MA (Marriage and Family) Universidad de Navarra, España
-BA (Theology) Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome, Italy
-MA (Moral Theology) Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome, Italy
-STD. (Moral Theology on Marriage and Family) Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome, Italy

Area of Teaching Specialization: Moral Theology, Social Doctrine of the Church, Marriage, Family, Ecology, Education.

Course Level: Graduate

Course(s) Taught: THEO 560 SP – Teología Moral Fundamental

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