Dear Present and Prospective Donors,
Grounded in the rich Catholic tradition of faith and reason, Catholic International University is at once academically rigorous and deeply committed to ensuring that our students enjoy the lifelong benefits of Catholic formation. This is why we serve the Heart of the Church. Catholic International University is also admirably innovative. Being fully online and dedicated to educating the whole person, we are truly unique and indispensable. When it comes to our approach to Catholic education, we entirely agree with St. John Paul II, in the apostolic constitution ex corde ecclesiae, in that research and teaching are illuminated by faith: “[a Catholic university] shares that Gaudium de Veritate, so precious to St. Augustine, which is that joy of searching for, discovering, and communicating truth in every field of knowledge.” (Ex Corde Ecclesiae, 1) Everything we do at Catholic International University is therefore a reflection of our vibrantly Catholic mission, which is to spread and bring alive the Church’s teachings in a digital world – a world in constant need of those teachings. More specifically, we are dedicated to:
In addition, those interested in partnering with us and making a donation to our mission should consider these ‘at-a-glance’ bullet points, all of which demonstrate the uniqueness and highly differentiated scope of our work:
Below you will find not only options for ‘one-time’ or ‘monthly’ giving but three Circles of Giving, each of which we have designed expressly to appeal to the philanthropic preferences of our valued contributors.
Thank you for your kind and generous consideration.
All good wishes,
Edward Short
Vice President of Institutional Advancement
Catholic International University