Catholic International University

Vatican II: The Church and Her Liturgy

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THEO 343

Vatican II: The Church and Her Liturgy

3 Credits

The Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) was the major event in the Church in the twentieth century. It is also perhaps the most misunderstood event. There were four Constitutions, which are the highest ranking documents issued by a Council: two on the Church, one on divine Revelation, and one on the Sacred Liturgy. This course will focus the Second Vatican Council’s documents on the topics of the Church (ecclesiology) and Her liturgy. Specifically, this course will deal with two documents that deal with the Church a Lumen Gentium and Gaudium et Spes and one that deals with liturgy, Sacrosantum Concilium.

Lumen Gentium is a dogmatic Constitution, focusing on the theology of Church, or ecclesiology. That is, what the Church is and the way the Church works including the people of God, hierarchy, laity, and religious. Gaudium et Spes is a pastoral Constitution; it focuses on pastoral matters and discusses the way in which the Church carries the mission of Christ to the world. Students who complete this part of the course should be able to better understand one’s role in the Church and be able to exercise the mission given to all by reason of one’s Baptism.

Sacrosanctum Concilium, the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy explains what the Church’s liturgy is and how a person participates in it. Upon completion of this part of the course, students will have a understanding of the Church’s teaching on liturgy and how it is being implemented today.

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