Catholic International University

Social Doctrine of the Church, 1891-1965

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CST 510

Social Doctrine of the Church, 1891-1965

3 Credits

This course is designed as an introduction to the Church’s social doctrine between 1891, the date of Pope Leo XIII’s encyclical Rerum novarum, and the closing of Vatican II in 1965. Students will read encyclicals and other Magisterial documents from this period (along with the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, which was released 40 years after the Council), and secondary literature. They will become familiar with the basic principles of this doctrine as these come to be introduced, developed, and refined over these decades. In class discussion and in the process of completing writing assignments, students will explore together the application of these principles to particular, concrete historical circumstances. Required synchronous sessions will be held each week on Monday evening.

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