Catholic International University

Comprehensive Exam

Start Your Future Today!

COMP 699

Comprehensive Exam

3 Credits

(Formerly COMP 599) This course is a culminating examination to be taken after completion of all coursework for both the MA (Theology) and MA in Theology for Educational Ministry. It consists of three questions that are designed to get the student to synthesize and apply general concepts learned in more than one course. Students are expected to include knowledge and understanding they have acquired from elective coursework, as well as the core requirements. In preparing for the comprehensive exams, students are presented with a pool of questions from which the ones they write on will be selected. Students are given the question as it appears on the exam along with a study guide which includes both required and suggested topics to include in the response as well as documents to be referenced. Faculty members conduct review sessions via videoconferencing on each question and are there to answer any questions.

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