At Catholic International University we are all about education and faith formation.


Whether you need just a few hours of credit, specific certification or credential, or want to embark on a certificate or degree program, we are here to support you.


All of our programs come from the Heart of the Church and draw upon the riches of the Catholic intellectual tradition.  Check out the information below and be sure and contact us if you would like to discuss further.

At Catholic International University, we offer basic, advanced, undergraduate and graduate certificates which can prepare Religious Ed teachers to be offer classes which are enriching and fully aligned with church doctrine. Click the links below to start soon!

Basic Certificate in Catechetics

Advanced Certificate in Catechetics

Basic Certificate in Catholic Education

Certificate in the Catechism of the Catholic Church

Undergraduate Catechetical Coordinator Certificate 

Graduate Certificate for Catholic Educators

Masters of Arts in Theology and Educational Ministry 

Master of Arts in Liberal Arts Education

The MA in Liberal Arts Education is a 2-year program rooted in the Catholic intellectual and educational liberal arts tradition. Offering a set of core and elective courses tailored to specific needs, the MA in Liberal Arts Education prepares teachers and school leaders to awaken in their students a Catholic worldview, develop the tools needed to think broadly and creatively, and grow in the habits of excellence in mind and heart.  Through this program, educators are informed, formed, and transformed in themselves so that they can, in turn, form and transform generations of young people to greet the challenges of the modern world with creativity and optimism.

Master of Arts in Theology & Educational Ministry

Our Masters of Arts in Theology & Educational Ministry is specifically designed to meet the needs of Directors of Religious Education (DREs), secondary school teachers, and catechists. This program seeks to:

  • Articulate and apply principles of Catholic theology and God’s relationship to the created order to the problem of authentic happiness and the edification of the human community.
  • Demonstrate how the New Testament fulfills the Old Testament with regard to Jesus Christ, the Church as the People of God, and its sacramental life.
  • Faithfully and effectively teach Catholic doctrine, spirituality, and morals, while ministering in pedagogically and culturally diverse contexts.
  • Synthesize the development of the Catholic Church’s understanding of the relationship between Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, and the Magisterium, and their significance with respect to historical and contemporary challenges.

If you are currently teaching or would like to begin teaching soon and need the necessary college credit hours in Education or Theology to do so, you should take a look at our course catalogue, and find courses that fit the needs of your professional endeavors.

Undergraduate Catalogue 

Graduate Catalogue

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You may also be interested in one of our undergraduate or graduate certificates:

Undergraduate Catechetical Coordinator Certificate 

Undergraduate Certificate in Philosophy

Undergraduate Certificate in Sacred Scripture

Graduate Certificate in Church History

Graduate Certificate in Sacred Scripture 

Graduate Certificate in Catholic Social Teaching 

Graduate Certificate for Catholic Educators 

At Catholic International University, we offer basic, advanced, undergraduate and graduate certificates which can prepare Catholic teachers to be offer classes which are enriching and fully aligned with church doctrine. If you are in educator, in need of the proper credentials to teach at a Catholic School, Click the links below to start soon!

Basic Certificate in Catechetics

Advanced Certificate in Catechetics

Basic Certificate in Catholic Education

Certificate in the Catechism of the Catholic Church

Undergraduate Catechetical Coordinator Certificate 

Graduate Certificate for Catholic Educators

Masters of Arts in Theology and Educational Ministry 

Master of Arts in Liberal Arts Education

If you teach or would like to begin teaching at high school or higher ed level and need the necessary credit hours to do so, you are the perfect fit for one of our undergraduate or graduate certificates. These certificates will offer you the specialization and credentials to take on your new teaching role.

Undergraduate Certificate in Philosophy

Undergraduate Certificate in Sacred Scripture

Undergraduate Certificate in History

Graduate Certificate in Church History

Graduate Certificate in Sacred Scripture 

Graduate Certificate in Catholic Social Teaching 

Graduate Certificate for Catholic Educators 

If you are looking for the training and credentials to take on an administrative role in Catholic Education or to continue to advance your current career trajectory, you are the perfect fit for our Masters of Arts in Liberal Arts Education. In addition to the foundational courses that are offered in this program, you will have the opportunity to specialize in Organizational Leadership for Catholic Schools. 

Masters of Arts in Liberal Arts Education