Catholic International University

Associate of Arts

In Theology

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Associate of Arts

in Theology

This program equips students with a profound understanding of the central teachings of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, emphasizing their relevance to the common good of society, the dignity and transcendence of the human person, and principles of moral living. Students will gain foundational knowledge of the Old and New Testament Scriptures through the lens of Catholic teachings and develop the ability to explain and apply the relationship between faith and reason. Additionally, the program fosters an understanding of key concepts in Church history and their transformative impact on human culture and civilization.

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Tuition and


Associate of Arts in Theology (60 Credits)

Theology (15 Credits)

Course Number
Course Title
Survey of the Old Testament
3 credit hours
Survey of the New Testament
3 credit hours
THEO 103 or THEO 268
The Moral Life: Living the Virtues
3 credit hours
Principles of Moral Theology
3 credit hours
THEO 204
Foundations of Catholicism
3 credit hours
THEO 213
God, Man and the Universe
3 credit hours

Mathematics/Computer Science | Choose One (3 Credits)

Course Number
Course Title
MATH 105
General Mathematics for Liberal Studies
3 credit hours
Computer Essentials
3 credit hours

Natural Sciences | Choose One (3 Credits)

Course Number
Course Title
BIO 101 (recommended)
General Biology
3 credit hours

Literature and Composition | Choose Two (6 Credits)

Course Number
Course Title
ENG 105 (required)
Introduction to Composition
3 credit hours
ENG 111
Introduction to Literature
3 credit hours
ENG 310
Literary Apologetics for Theology
3 credit hours

Foreign Languages | Choose One (3 credits)

Course Number
Course Title
GREEK 101, 102, 201, 202
Biblical or Advanced Greek
3 credit hours
LATIN 101, 102, 201, 202
Introductory or Advanced Latin
3 credit hours
SPAN 101, 102, 201, 202
Introductory or Conversational Spanish
3 credit hours

Humanities/Social Sciences | Choose Four (12 Credits)

Course Number
Course Title
LIB 200
Principles of Liberal Learning
3 credit hours
CHIST 214, CHRIST 224 or CHIST 244
Church History I: Early Christians to Middle Ages
3 credit hours
Church History II: Renaissance to Modern Church
3 credit hours
History of the Catholic Church in America
3 credit hours
HIST 211
Christian Civilization
3 credit hours
HUM 228
Introduction to Comparative Religions: Judaism and Islam
3 credit hours

Philosophy (6 credits)

Course Number
Course Title
PHIL 205
Introduction to Philosophy with Plato and Aristotle
3 credit hours
PHIL 235
Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Person
3 credit hours

Theology Electives (9 credits)

General Electives (3 credits)

Global Catholic


Catholic International University Provides:

  • Genuine Catholic education
  • Flexible study options tailored to your schedule
  • The most affordable undergraduate tuition among U.S.-based online universities for Catholic theology
  • A worldwide Catholic community
  • Expert and approachable faculty
  • Interactive online courses with discussion boards
  • Mobile app for convenient studying
  • Online library managed by a theological librarian
  • Round-the-clock technical support


At Catholic International

An education in Theology can truly awaken and inform you as a human person of God. And by including Catholic Social Teaching in your educational program, Catholic International University provides you with the tools to transform society while respecting the way God created our world and making use of the freedom He has given us.

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