Program Overview

The Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts is a two-year program that introduces students to the Western intellectual tradition. Its rigorous, broad, and integrated curriculum is designed to foster a love of learning and the pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty. This formation in the sciences and humanities prepares students for further study in a wide range of disciplines.

Program Goals

Students completing the program will be able to:

  • Exhibit an appreciation of the unity of truth through serious engagement with the sciences and humanities.
  • Explain and apply the relationship between faith and reason.
  • Demonstrate fundamental knowledge of the Old and New Testaments in light of Catholic teaching and understanding of how these shed light on human nature and experience.
  • Discuss knowledgeably the great sources of the Western intellectual tradition and offer insights into how they are relevant in the world today.

Course Lists

  • 60 credits distributed as follows:
    • Mathematics/Computer Science – 3 credits from the following
Course Number Course Title Credits
MATH 105 General Mathematics for Liberal Studies 3
COSCI 101 Computer Essentials 3


  • Natural Sciences – 3 credits from the following
Course Number Course Title Credits
BIO 101 General Biology 3
BIO 150 Nutrition 3


  • Literature and Composition – 6 credits from the following
Course Number Course Title Credits
ENG 105 Introduction to Composition 3
ENG 111 Introduction to Literature 3
ENG 310 Literary Apologetics for Theology 3


  • Classical or Modern Languages – 6 credits from the following:
Course Number Course Title Credits
GREEK 101 Biblical Greek I 3
GREEK 201 Biblical Greek II 3
GREEK 301 Advanced Biblical Greek 3
LATIN 101 Latin I 3
LATIN 201 Latin II 3
SPAN 101 Introduction to Spanish Language and Culture for Ministry 3
SPAN 201 Conversational Spanish for Ministry II 3


  • Humanities/Social Sciences – 12 credits from the following:


Course Number Course Title Credits
CHIST 214 Church History I: Early Christians to Middle Ages 3
CHIST 224 Church History II: Renaissance to Modern Church 3
CHIST 244 History of the Catholic Church in America 3
HIST 201 Ancient Civilization 3
HIST 211 Christian Civilization 3
HIST 221 A Global Civilization 3
HUM 228 Introduction to Comparative Religions: Judaism and Islam 3
HUM 260 Theology of Sacred Architecture 3


  • Philosophy – 9 credits from the following:
PHIL 205 Introduction to Philosophy with Plato and Aristotle 3
PHIL 235 Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Person 3
PHIL 260/THEO 280 Catholic Bioethics 3
PHIL 311 Ethics 3


  • Theology/Scripture – 9 credits from the following:
SCRPT 103 Survey of the Old Testament 3
SCRPT 106 Survey of the New Testament 3
THEO 101 Catechism of the Catholic Church, Part I 3
THEO 102 Catechism of the Catholic Church, Part II 3
THEO 103 The Moral Life: Living the Virtues 3


  • General Electives – 12 credits


In a 2022 survey of Catholic International graduate students, 100% reported that they had achieved their learning goals.

Catholic International Offers:

  • Authentic Catholic teaching
  • Flexibility to study where and when you choose
  • The lowest undergraduate tuition of any U.S.-based online university offering Catholic theology
  • A global Catholic community
  • Knowledgeable and accessible faculty
  • Engaging online courses with discussion forums
  • Mobile app for study on the go
  • Online library staffed by a theological librarian
  • 24/7 technical support

Get started today!

The AA program is nationally accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC), which is recognized as a national accrediting agency by the U.S. Department of Education and is a recognized member of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. The university is certified as a degree-granting institution by the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission.