THEO 419-619 Theology of Aquinas
This new Theology of Aquinas course, instructed by Father Bevil Bramwell OMI, PhD, is a basic introduction to the thought of Saint Thomas Aquinas. By looking at the backgrounds of some of the concepts that he uses along with selected articles from the Summa Theologica, his most well-known work, the student will be able to glimpse how Aquinas developed the explanations and arguments in his thought. The course includes biographical material as well as the historical material that will help make the early medieval period more comprehensible.
HUM 260 THEO 290-590 – Theology of Sacred Architecture
CDU’s new Theology of Sacred Architecture course is an introduction to the history, theology, and symbolism of Catholic sacred architecture that focuses on how the development of Catholic sacred architecture and theology has affected the shape, configuration, and use of the Catholic church throughout various architectural styles and eras. It will follow this development from Pagan and Old Testament ideas of sacred architecture throughout the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Counter-Reformation, and Vatican II. The course will give an overview of the various declarations of the Church regarding the construction and symbolism of the church edifice. Undergraduates will be able to apply it towards either their humanities requirements or theology electives. Graduates will be able to apply the course towards their theology electives.
The course is taught by Erik Bootsma, who was trained in the classical liberal arts at Thomas Aquinas College’s great books program. He became interested in the philosophy of architecture and aesthetics. This philosophy was the foundation upon which he completed his architectural education with a Masters of Architecture degree from the University of Notre Dame.