General Education Course List

The 300 and 400 level courses are only open to BA students.


Course Number Course Title Credits
BIO 101 General Biology 3
BIO 150 Nutrition 3
CHIST 214 Church History I: Early Christians to Middle Ages 3
CHIST 224 Church History II: Renaissance to Modern Church 3
CHIST 244 History of the Catholic Church in America 3
COSCI 101 Computer Essentials 3
ENG 105 Introduction to Composition for Theology 3
ENG 111 Introduction to Literature 3
ENG 310 Literary Apologetics for Theology 3
GREEK 101 Biblical Greek I 3
GREEK 201 Biblical Greek II* (12 weeks) 3
GREEK 301 Advanced Biblical Greek* (12 weeks) 1
HIST 201 Ancient Civilization 3
HIST 211 Christian Civilization 3
HIST 221 A Global Civilization 3
HUM 228 Introduction to Comparative Religions: Judaism and Islam 3
HUM 260 Theology of Sacred Architecture 3
LATIN 101 Latin I (revised)* (12 weeks) 3
LATIN 201 Latin II* (12 weeks) 3
MATH 105 General Mathematics for Liberal Studies 3
PHIL 235 Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Person 3
PHIL 250/THEO 270 Introduction to Catholic Health Care Ethics 3
PHIL 260/THEO 280 Catholic Bioethics I 3
PHIL 315 Metaphysics 3
PHIL 320 Modern Philosophy 3
PHIL 330 Contemporary Philosophy 3
PHIL 340 See for Yourself: An Introduction to Epistemology 3
PHIL 370 The Nature of Nature: An Introduction to a Catholic Philosophy of Science 3
SCRPT 103 Survey of the Old Testament 3
SCRPT 106 Survey of the New Testament 3
SCRPT 370 Letter to the Romans 3
SCRPT 381 The Gospel of St. John 3
SPAN 101 Introduction to Spanish Language and Culture for Ministry 3
SPAN 201 Conversational Spanish for Ministry II 3
SPIR 301 Applied Catholic Spirituality 3
THEO 101 Catechism of the Catholic Church, Part I 3
THEO 102 Catechism of the Catholic Church, Part II 3
THEO 290 Theology of Sacred Architecture 3
THEO 380 Look, Judge, Act: An Introduction to Catholic Social Teaching 3
THEO 419/ PHIL 421 Thought of Thomas of Aquinas 3
THEO 498 Holy Land: The Fifth Gospel 3
THEO 499 Italy: Crossroads of Christianity 3