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Registration for the Winter II Term Is Underway! | Winter II Classes Begin March 2nd | Registration for Summer I and II Terms Begins March 9th
Free Virtual Discussion Night: Tropical Tree Diversity with Dr. Dan Koenemann
- The incredible diversity of plants in tropical forests
- The various forms of diversity within these ecosystems, including morphological, ecological, genetic, and reproductive aspects
- The crucial importance of ongoing research in understanding and preserving tropical forests
Discussion Night “The mystery of church in the thought of Gottfriend W. Leibniz (1646-1715)”
- Gain a deeper understanding of Leibniz's concept of the Church as a "moral person."
- Learn how Leibniz's theological-metaphysics can inform our contemporary understanding of the nature of the Church.
- Engage in stimulating discussion and exchange ideas with fellow members of the CDU community.
Dr. Sophia Aguirre’s Visionary Conversation on Guadalupe Network Radio
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